Glade is a progressive Christian community that focuses on faith, diversity, and justice.


Be The ChurchGlade Church is made up of people in all stages of their faith journey.  Some have been Christians since they were children.  Others are just learning who Jesus is and what it means to walk in the Way of Christ.  No matter where we find ourselves on the journey, we know that we need each other to be challenged, to grow, and to continue in faith.  Through worship, study, fellowship, and service, we seek to grow together in our faith and reliance on God.

We don’t have all the answers.  And we don’t expect anyone to show up with all the answers.  Together we ask questions and wonder and live into faith together.


Justice bannerAt Glade, we try to demonstrate an exuberant and extravagant welcome to all who seek to be in a relationship with God. We accept all people because everyone is welcome at God’s table – gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, single, married, widowed, divorced, black, white, rich, poor, healthy, ill, left, right, sure or unsure to name a few. We continually seek to widen our welcome. We want you to be who God created you to be. We are a church for all ages. Children are a vital and vibrant part of our community. We want them to have so much fun here and experience so much love that they become the ones pushing their parents to attend.


Forgive BannerMicah 6:8 calls disciples to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. At Glade Church, we strive to take this call seriously. Through ministries like Laundry Love, the Blacksburg Refugee Partnership, our Working Towards Racial Justice Conversations, and To Our House, we seek ways to walk with those who are treated unjustly. As a member of the United Church of Christ, we join with our brothers and sisters of Christ around the globe to fight all types of injustice – civil, human, economic, environmental, health, and others from local to global. We look for ways both small and large to encourage the justice of God for everyone, not just for those who are privileged.

Who We are